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Update to the Proposal to add Cellular Communication Equipment on the existing Water tower located at
5 Roots Rock Road

Updated 7/22/2021


Click below to view the June 16th, 2021 Presentation from Kent Chamberlin, PhD during the York Water District Trustee's meeting:

















For Kent Chamberlain, PhD Power point presentation slides, click here.


Click below to view the July 21st 2021 presentations from David Maxson, WCP and Kenneth R. Foster, P.D., P.E. during the York Water District Trustee's meeting:

For David Maxon, WCP Power point presentation slides, click here.

 For Kenneth R. Foster, P.D., P.E. Power point presentation slides, click here.


To view York Heights Tank Cell Antenna most recent letters, click here.


Information below previously posted 6/24/2021

AT&T Wireless has proposed to lease space on York Water District’s York Heights water tank for its antennas (and some ground space nearby). This is a common type of installation for wireless facilities. Many water tanks in the region have had antennas for 10-20 years. York’s zoning ordinance indicates a preference for the use of existing tall structures, like the current water tank, for new cell sites to avoid cluttering the community with new cell towers. YWD is considering the community benefits of 1) providing a preferred solution for putting antennas in York without a new tower, 2) enabling the provision of better wireless service in this area of town, and 3) generating some income to defray the cost of operations of YWD for the benefit of its ratepayers.

As for the safety of the proposed installation:

The radio frequency emissions are heavily regulated by the FCC. In September of 2020 AT&T provided expert analysis that showed the emissions of radio energy from the antennas will collectively be within the FCC 2019 standards (FCC 19-126) in the neighborhood by a very large margin. YWD Trustees wanted a peer review to validate their findings.

The independent expert selected by the sub-committee will present (answers to many Board questions) his review at the next board meeting on July 21st. In research completed by staff, we found a Maine Dept of Health and Human Services link that we felt provided sound information:
Click Here

Please be assured YWD is being thorough in its due diligence before deciding whether to proceed with AT&T's proposal.

During the July 21st Trustees meeting David Maxson of Isotrope will present his peer review of the AT&T proposal directly to the Board of Trustees. On July 22nd YWD will post the following:

  • zoom video of the June 16th public comment period and presentation by Kent Chamberlin.

  • zoom video of the July 21st public comment period and presentation by David Maxson.

At that point the Board of Trustees can decide if they have enough information to make an informed decision and when they may take action.

For those that want to attend the July 21st meeting, Staff will post a zoom webinar link for the meeting registration on July 14th.


Sept. 26 - Oct. 2, 2021
For More Information
Click the Box Below

Information below previously posted 6/1/2021


In December 2020, York Water District Board of Trustees agreed to pause and study the proposal to install antennas on top of the existing York Heights Water storage Tank. The Board did not agree to fund a study, but the Superintendent confirmed that Smartlink verbally agreed to fund $6k+- for some study work. Please note, Smartlink would have no control over the content of what was studied.


In January, a subcommittee was established consisting of YWD representatives and 4 residents of the York Heights Area.

The subcommittee worked January through March to develop a Request for Proposals (RFP). On March 18, 2021, the RFP and following attachments were sent to the consultants selected by the subcommittee. The deadline to receive proposals was April 2nd, 2021.

Consultants selected by the subcommittee to participate in the RFP:


Paul Héroux, PhD

Professor of Toxicology and Health Effects of Electromagnetism

McGill University Medicine

  • Paul Héroux did not provide a proposal. This is his response to the RFP: "I received the information. I have a desire to help you out in this situation, but I would like to know what is your delivery date for the report you desire, as I am currently involved in teaching for a period including the first week of April."


Kent Chamberlin, PHD

Professor & Chair Emeritus

Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering

University of New Hampshire

  • Kent Chamberlin, PHD did not provide a proposal but offered to address the Board of Trustees. This is his response to the RFP: “Yes, I did receive the files and I was just going through them. Because of my background in Radio Frequency Radiation (RFR), I was asked to serve on the New Hampshire State Commission tasked with exploring the health and environmental risks associated with wireless communications and we issued our final report last November.  The findings of the majority are that exposure to RFR does have a negative impact and that current FCC regulations do not provide adequate protection.  To provide an overview of our findings, I created a YouTube video that I recommend to anyone who is involved with the installation of new facilities. While I am qualified to perform the work outlined in the RFP, I would like to maintain my unbiased status of not being financially invested in wireless. Consequently, I will not be responding to your RFP.  Because of my background and because of my participation on the Commission I am asked to weigh in on RFR safety issues, and I can now do that impartially.  I feel that this is my civic duty, and I will gladly speak to your Board about what I’ve learned. I thank you for considering me in the proposed effort.  Please consider me as a resource as you evaluate proposals from others or if you would like additional detail on the findings of the NH Commission”.


Both Paul Héroux and Kent Chamberlin were selected because of their extensive backgrounds and due to their work on the New Hampshire Commission to Study the Environmental and Health Effects of Evolving 5G Technology.


David Maxson

Founder, CEO Isotrope LLC, Medfield, MA

Isotrope LLC was selected because much of their work consists of completing peer reviews for Municipalities of proposed installations.



At the next Subcommittee meeting, it was determined the cost of the only proposal received was well above what Smartlink would fund.

The Superintendent agreed to ask Isotrope LLC to reduce the scope, to reduce the fee and find out how much Smartlink would fund to complete a study.

  • Smartlink confirmed they would agree to fund $7,500.00.

  • Isotrope LLC reduced their scope as requested but this eliminated a portion of what the neighbors wanted in the study.

  • The reduced proposal was just above $7,500.00.

Please note the following comment in Isotrope’s 1st Proposal:


Task 3 from original RFP: Provide any additional pertinent scientific RF exposure information and interpretation of potential negative health effects as it applies to the proposed 4G installation as well as the possibility of 5G equipment expansion on the tower.

Response from Maxson:

“This is a broad and open-ended task as written. The possible biological effects of RF energy is the subject of several thousand scientific papers that vary greatly in quality, methods, and relevance to health. Such an effort would be required to form a well-considered opinion based on the scientific data. However, health agencies around the world have tracked this field for generations, and numerous reports have been compiled by expert groups under sponsorship of health agencies. It is proposed for this Task to review for the Water District the major conclusions of recent major health agency reviews rather than carry out an expert review of the primary scientific evidence itself”.


The reduced proposal cost was just above $7,500. The subcommittee had limited funding to complete a study, and YWD Trustees never voted to fund a study. A key point of the study is that Smartlink and AT&T would have no control over the content. Furthermore, Dr Chamberlin offered to provide some information to the Board of Trustee’s at no charge so he can maintain his unbiased status. The point is to provide the York Water District Board of Trustees with enough information to make an informed decision on this proposal request.

Click Here for the reduced and approved scope Isotrope LLC Proposal.

During this process, the residents still wished to use Dr. Héroux and/or Dr. Chamberlin even though neither submitted a proposal. After much discussion, it was agreed upon to proceed with the reduced scope proposal from Isotrope LLC, and to allow Dr. Chamberlin of UNH to provide a 1-hour presentation on what he has learned while working on the NH Commission to the full Board of Trustees at a future meeting.

A member of the Subcommittee has confirmed that Dr. Chamberlin of UNH will address the full Board of Trustees on June 16th @ 3:00 PM.

  • To view the full June meeting agenda, click HERE

The Superintendent authorized Isotrope LLC to begin their work with a plan of presenting the information to the full Board of Trustees on July 21st @ 3:00 PM.

  • To view the full July meeting agenda, click HERE

Information below posted September 2020

York Heights Tank Cellular Antenna Proposal Documents and Other Information

Questions & Answers from the informational session that was held September 1st 2020:

 Informational regarding the photo simulations and constructions drawings:

 York Heights Tank Noise Study:

 September 1, 2020 Informational Zoom Meeting Click Here

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